My First MMA Fight: Legacy 51, Grand Casino Hinckley, Hinckley, MN, Friday, February 5, 2016
On Friday, February 5, I took my first MMA bout on the big Legacy 51 promotion up in Hinckley, MN at the Grand Casino. The main card was...
Strength Training for Muay Thai at Horsepower Strength and Conditioning: Focusing on single leg stre
After my workout today, Coach Matt Miller asked me how my body has been feeling during my fight training. I told him that I'm usually...
Minneapolis Muay Thai Fighter in Low Kick Kickboxing Fight in Wyoming, Minnesota
Kickboxing fight in Wyoming, Minnesota. Description coming soon. #minneapolis #muaythai #ryansternberg #kickboxing #mma #minnesota...
Putting the Fight Conditioning into Strength and Conditioning at Horsepower in Fridley, MN
After setting a new personal record on front squats, personal trainer Matt Miller prepped me for the fight conditioning portion of the...